Drain is starting to sink and surrounding area is starting to crack
Reported via mobile in the Damaged or Missing Gully Grid category anonymously at 15:07, Sun 1 January 2023
Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-892847-D2Q0P9.
The drain over a period of time under the weight of buses continuously driven over the drain cover has caused it to sink further into the road.
What’s worse we now have two drain covers within 10mtrs making a very large clunking sound under the weight of vehicles which are having a Severe impact on our mental health and causing us sleep deprivation. Please,please do something before I do!..
My wife is severely disabled and the Constant clunking sounds are having a negative impact on our well being. Please just find a way to stop the noise even if it’s temporary ,just for us to have some respite,that’s all we ask.
Posted anonymously at 15:16, Sun 1 January 2023
Thank you for reporting this. One of our highways officers will inspect the gully grid. If it meets our repair criteria, we'll get our contractor to repair it.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Merton Council at 15:16, Sun 1 January 2023
We've asked our contractor to repair the gully grid.
Posted by Merton Council at 15:45, Thu 5 January 2023
The area surrounding the drain is deteriorating further.Now every time a bus goes over the cover,the wheels drop into the divot causing vibration in our house. This impact cannot be good for the foundation’s of our house or the suspension of the buses.Could you pls speed up the repairs before this escalates into a much bigger issue. Thank you, Kind Regards Mr Lawrence Pepperrell
Posted anonymously at 11:42, Sun 5 March 2023
This problem has been fixed.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Merton Council at 15:48, Wednesday 22 January 2025
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