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Construction waste at the street end

Reported in the Fly-Tipping category anonymously at 15:32, Tue 21 March 2023

Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-923144-X6V3Z1.

There are several problems: 1. Construction waste at the end of the road 2. Other types of garbage piles left near the dumpsters because the dumpsters are full 3. A construction skip too full and uncovered 4. There is a carity shop that trow away stuff they don't need, the problem is some people search in their dumpsters and throw things on the ground so a solution would be to lock the dumpsters or something. The problem is not really all the rubish because I get businesses have a lot of waste but the wind spread it all over and this place looks sad and dirty.

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  • Thank you for reporting this. We've allocated your report to our crew.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Merton Council at 15:37, Tue 21 March 2023

  • Sorry, this is on private land so you need to contact the landowner directly about this issue.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Merton Council at 07:42, Wed 22 March 2023

  • Excess Household Waste

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Merton Council at 08:27, Thursday 17 October 2024

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