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Abandoned Overgrown Back Garden

Reported in the Overhanging Vegetation From Private Land category anonymously at 15:12, Thu 18 July 2024

Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-1127231-Y1T9K0.

The back garden of the property at 31/ 31A Haydon Park Road is extremely over grown. It is completely neglected and over grown with black berry bushes, weeds and ivy. There is also numerous trees in the garden that are being consumed by the ivy. This could cause the trees to collapse and cause damage to surrounding property. I am having to cut back and unpick ivy and shrubs from my fence on a weekly basis which is overgrowing into our garden. It is becoming impossible to contain and is starting to destroy my fence, causing it to warp and lean. The garden has not been touched since I moved in next door in January and it is only getting worse with no sign of anyone trying to contain the overgrown garden.

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  • We didn't find anything that met our criteria for taking action.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Merton Council at 18:19, Fri 19 July 2024

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