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Roadworks - no one working

Reported via desktop in the Other Roads or Carriageway issue category anonymously at 14:39, Wednesday

Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-1160141-K4Z8V3.

Roadworks have started and there seems to be a 5 way signal that is causing absolute chaos for anyone trying to go anywhere. So many arguments.

It's the UK Power network but no work has been done for the 3 days the lights have been up. They have also made parking suspensions but it's not clear why?

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  • Thank you for reporting this. We've sent your report to one of our highways officers for investigation.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Merton Council at 14:47, Wednesday

  • We are taking appropriate action or have passed this to the relevant service provider to investigate.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Merton Council at 08:47, Thursday

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