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Entire pavement on steep hill needs resurfacing

Reported via desktop in the Damaged Footway category anonymously at 21:45, Wednesday

Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-1160255-C1K6F2.

Whilst several pavements in the area (e.g. Leopold Road) have been resurfaced over past decade, the stretch between 82 Arthur Road and Home Park Road has not. There are numerous uneven parts and almost every paving stone is cracked. This presents a pedestrian hazard particularly because it is a steep slope and also a heavy pedestrian route, being the way to Wimbledon Park Station. Ice patches form easily which is very dangerous on a hill. It is also a key route during the Wimbledon Tennis Championship. Can this stretch be considered for future resurfacing? The only good parts are where homes have been renovated and pavement fixed presumably at private cost to the homeowner.

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  • Thank you for reporting this. One of our highways officers will inspect the defect. If it meets our repair criteria, we'll get our contractor to repair it.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Merton Council at 22:00, Wednesday

  • We've asked our contractor to repair the defect.

    Posted by Merton Council at 10:15, Friday

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