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Complaint Regarding Rubbish and Pavement Conditions Near Takeway Shops on Gladstone Road

Reported via desktop in the Litter or Weeds on a Street category anonymously at 08:30, Thursday

Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-1160313-X3Q5P0.

I am writing to formally raise a complaint regarding the ongoing issue of litter and pavement cleanliness outside the takeaway shops located next to the Wetherspoons in [specific location or street name], Merton.

On numerous occasions, I have noticed large bags of rubbish discarded directly on the pavement. These bags are often left for extended periods, attracting local wildlife—particularly foxes, which tear into the bags and scatter litter across the street. The mess created not only leads to an unpleasant appearance in the area but also creates a strong odor and hygiene concern for all residents and pedestrians passing through.

Additionally, the discarded rubbish often contains greasy or oily substances, which are absorbed into the pavement and leave persistent black stains and an unpleasant smell. These greasy patches create a hazard for walkers and contribute to the unhygienic conditions in the area, making it particularly concerning for pet owners. I am a dog owner and frequently walk my dog past this spot, and I worry about both the cleanliness and the potential harm to my pet.

Furthermore, due to the location’s proximity to the Wetherspoons, there is often broken glass on the pavement. This poses a severe risk not only to pets but also to children, cyclists, and all pedestrians using this pathway.

I urge Merton Council to address these issues by either enforcing stricter waste disposal guidelines for the takeaway establishments or increasing the frequency of street cleaning in this area. Swift action would greatly improve the safety and hygiene of this part of the community and ensure a more pleasant experience for all residents.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to seeing improvements in this area and am hopeful that Merton Council will take the necessary steps to maintain a clean and safe environment for all.

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  • Thank you for reporting this. We've allocated your report to our crew.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Merton Council at 08:31, Thursday

  • We've removed the litter or weeds from the street.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Merton Council at 06:09, Friday

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