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Human Fouling on Footpath!

Reported via desktop in the Dog Fouling category anonymously at 17:32, Wednesday 15 January 2025

Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-1181077-V0T9G1.

The council don’t seem to prioritise or see the health and safety issue of cleaning human fouling left by a disgusting person/ persons on the foot path Monday night. After SEVERAL calls to the council, all day Tuesday and Wednesday asking them to clean and disinfect the area ASAP, due to so many people walking through it and spreading it. I was told “the team will sort the issue, once they print a report”… (this is NOT dog fouling, but unfortunately there’s no option for choosing anything else.) HOPEFULLY THIS CATCHES THE ATTENTION OF MERTON COUNCIL TO COME DISINFECT AND WASH THE FOOTPATH! - maybe an article in the News Paper might catch their attention instead. They might have even sorted the issue faster, but unfortunately a street cleaner hasn’t visited the public footpath between Fairway and Bushey Road in the last 5 years! I hope anyone that walks through, have washed their shoes! That goes for prams, buggies, and bikes too!

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