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Large granite curb stone dislodged in road

Reported via mobile in the Obstruction on a Road or Pavement category anonymously at 13:54, Sunday 19 January 2025

Sent to Merton Council less than a minute later. Council ref: SRQ-1181962-Y3C5M2.

I was driving down lower Morden lane just passed the exit of garden centre and before the entrance when my tyre hit something on the left hand side causing an almighty sound and my tyre punctured immediately! It was dusk so I couldn’t immediately see what had happened and concentrated on getting my car back home to Lynmouth Avenue while I could When I returned to Lower Morden Lane to have a look there was a large granite stone that are positioned all the way down the road laying on the grass in the exact spot where my true burst It had obviously been loose and knocked in to the road catching my tyre causing the explosion and someone must have picked it up laying it on the grass I had a mobile tyre fitter replace my tyre 2 days after as it wasn’t drive able at a cost of £348 plus my tracking has been knocked out adding anorher £50 and it’s still.not right so needs to be looked at again ! I believe this to be a matter of the council as the large stones are placed all along the verge to stop people parking Please can you help me with this I have a picture of my tyre damage and also receipts to be fixed so far

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  • Thank you for reporting this. We've sent your report to one of our highways officers for investigation.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Merton Council at 14:00, Sunday 19 January 2025

  • We're closing this because we've either resolved the problem or passed it to the relevant service provider to investigate.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Merton Council at 14:00, Tuesday 21 January 2025

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